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‘Slay queens’ and the gendered politics of poverty

  Moesha Boduong is a 30-year old Ghanaian actress, model and social media influencer. Moesha likes to serenade her 2.3m followers on Instagram with pictures of her lavish lifestyle. From fancy holiday trips to luxury cars and always showing off the latest fashion trends, the party never seems to stop with Moesha. The era of social media has highlighted a new phenomenon of ‘slay queens’, a phrase whose meaning has varied over time; from the positive – women “killing it” in their careers and lifestyles to the negative – women dating rich, often married, men to fund their lavish lifestyles. Moesha was for a long time tagged by bloggers as a slay queen. Many believed this was confirmed after she admitted in an interview in 2018 with CNN’s Christine Amanpour to dating a married man who took care of her because of the harsh economic conditions in Ghana. Another woman in that interview admitted to dating in exchange for being taken care of, although her beau was a single man. Slay queens’ ta

THE POLITICS OF AFRICAN HAIR: Why is African Hair Unpopular?

I finally shared the full story behind my hair on my Tv show Inside Pages on Metro Tv. Today I’m going to give MY TAKE on the Achimota school-Rastafarianism-dreadlocks saga and it will be about MY HAIR EXPERIENCE- as you know and can see I have kept my hair in its natural state for years and there’s a story behind it. First, I’ll talk about My Big Chop and then 2 major experiences after the chop. • The big chop In my second year at the University of Ghana, in 2008 I made a practical decision. I stopped applying perming cream to my hair to straighten and remove the texture. I did this to allow for new growth in anticipation of a big chop. This was contradictory to the wild joy I embraced soon after completing SSS, now SHS. Perming my hair was the long-awaited moment of freedom from the many years of compulsory cutting of hair per the rules of mainstream education. But few years down the line, it was no longer freedom and joy because of the cuts and burns from the perming cream. My hair

MY TAKE: MY HAIR EXPERIENCE Francisca Kakra Forson March 26,2021

Let’s gives our children the right start! Let’s Be Fair Ghana!

Elizabeth lifts her hand swiftly as soon as her teacher asks for a volunteer to read out a passage to the class. Her teacher calls on her and she marches boldly to the board, reads loudly and clearly and is rewarded with a round of applause. I was proud of her. I got to meet Elizabeth when I had the opportunity to visit Sandema in the Upper East Region during a field visit with UNICEF. Elizabeth is a primary 3 pupils of Alama Basic School. Elizabeth and her classmates impressed me. It was very evident that they understood the passage and each of them took turns going to the board. This scene alone made it all worth it. It may be hard to believe, but 7 children in primary 3 out of every 10 in Ghana are unable to read and write even though they should be able to. This begs the question, are we being fair to our children? If this number of children at that age cannot read or write how do we prepare them to learn others skills?    continued to watch in del